Речник /  Конвертор


1.house of entertainment

широко ги отвора вратите за

1.open the flood/sluice gates for

зад затворени врати

1.behind closed doors; behind the scene

поврати во живот

1.bring back to life

збор врати

1.answer back

на неколку наврати

1.on several occasions; severalties; not once

памти па врати

1.inf pay with the same dish you borrow

си ја поврати силата

1.get one's second wind

медената уста железни врати отвора

1.there is a great force hidden in a sweet command


1.v. to return, to restore


1.v. to return, to give back, to restore, to replace

врати се

1.v. to return, to come back


1.n. shaft


1.v. to pervert, to corrupt, to deprave

одвратува, одврати, одвраќа

1.v. to dissuade, to discourage, to deter, to divert from, to distract, (attention), to draw away from, to turn aside, to lead astray

повратува, поврати

1.v. to return, to restore, to give back, (збор) to take back, (саат) to put back, (во стомак) to vomit, to turn, to throw up, to puke, to spew


1.stoppingplace, meetingplace

