Речник /  Конвертор

се грижи

1.(за of; to take care
2.to look to

се грижи за

1.(нешто); to see to

се грижи

1.to feel uneasy

многу грижи

1.a world of troubles

без никакви грижи

1.not have/without a care in the world

обеле од грижи

1.get gray (hair)

не се грижи

1.not to worry; care nothing; not to care/give a fig; imper don't worry!

мали деца мали грижи, големидеца големи грижи

1.children when they are little make their parents fools, when they are great they make them mad; a little child weighs on your knee, a big one on your heart

грижи се

1.v. to care for, to take care for, to look after, to endeavour, to strive, to attend to, to see to, to worry


1.v. to trouble, to make anxious, to alarm

загрижи се

1.v. to become anxious, to worry, to be concerned

погрижува се, погрижи се

1.v to take care of, to see to, to look after, to be concerned, to worry about, to provide, to make provision for



се грижи

1.reck (arch), attend

се грижи за

1.(имот) administer