Речник /  Конвертор


1.dwell v.

место на живеење

1.dweling-place n.


1.indwell v.


1.live v.


1.to be located (in); (во) се наоѓа (во);

живее како бубрег во лој

1.n if live on/off the fat of the land; have one's bread buttered on both sides; live in clover; live like a king; (as) snug as a bug in a rug; in the lap of luxury

живее од воздух

1.live on fresh air; live on love and fresh air

живее на туѓ грб

1.live by the sweat of other men’s brows

живее како гроф

1.inf live like a lord

живее од денес до/за утре

1.not know where one's next meal/penny is coming from; a day-today affair; live from one day to the next; live from hand to mouth

Каде живееш ти?

1.Don't you know?; You're not on the ball

само еднаш се живее

1.you/we only live once

од што живееш?

1.what do you do for a living?

од воздух не се живее

1.one can't live on love and fresh air

живее под ист кров

1.(live) under the same roof

не се живее само од леб

1.man cannot live by bread alone

живее на висока нога

1.live it up; live in clover; live high off the hog

живее во некој свој свет

1.live in a world of one's own

живее како екот

1.lead a dog's life

од убавина не се живее

1.beauty won't make the pot boil; no one can live on beauty; prettiness makes no pottage

живее како цар

1.inf live like a lord


1.v. to live, to exist, to be alive, to be


1.n. living, life, existence


1.v. to spend life, to live through, to go through, to experience


1.v. to outlive, to survive

наживее се

1.v. to live to a ripe age, to have had enough of one's life

начин на живеење

1.way of life manner of living

оживее, оживува

1.v. to revive, to inspire, to came to life, to recover, to restore to life, to resurrect, to regain consciousness, to animate

живее раат

1.to live a quiet life


1.v. to live (to a certain age)