Речник /  Конвертор


1.cognitive a.

држи во незнаење

1.to keep in the dark

кој ќе знае

1.goodness knows

не знае англиски

1.he has no English on

Само да знаев!

1.if I only knew!


1.know v.


1.knowledge n.

става на знаење

1.to give to understand

и баба ми го знае/може тоа

1.inf anybody can do it; а piece of cake

Бог знае

1.Lord only knows; God knows who/what/where/how

Бог знае од кога!

1.since God knows when!

не е богзнае што

1.nothing to write home about; be no great shakes

ако сакаш некого да запознаеш,дај му власт

1.authority shows the man; if you wish to know a man, give him authority

знае да меле како празнаводеница

1.inf talk nineteen to the dozen; talk the hind leg(s) off a donkey

не знае каде му е главата

1.be in a maze; be at a loss; not know if one is coming or going; not know if one is on one's head or one's heels

само Господ знае

1.heaven only knows

не знае за граници

1.know no bounds; know not when to stop

не знае денот што носи ноќта

1.none knows what will happen to him before sunset; а man's destiny is always dark

не знае за доста

1.never have enough; not to know when to stop; know no limits

да се знае

1.for the record

кој ќе знае

1.who knows; it's anybody's guess

кој многу знае, многу ќе пати

1.who knows much will suffer much

кој не го знае, скапо ќе го плати

1.he's not as green as he's cabbage looking; butter wouldn't melt in his mouth; pretend innocence; ; appearances are deceptive; you can’t tell a book by its covers

не знае колку се два и два

1.do not know how much two and two are not have enough imagination/intelligence/sense to come out of the rain

не знае подобро

1.not know any better

не знае што да прави

1.be at a loose end; not know what to do with oneself; ; ; not know which way to turn; ; ; be put out of countenance

не знае што пропушта

1.not know what one is missing

не знае каде да гледа

1.not know what way to look/turn one’s eyes

никој не може да знае

1.no man can tell; ; ; dear (only)knows

никој тоа не може да го знае; од каде да знаеш

1.there is no telling/knowing; one never knows; you never know

Се знае!

1.It's (well) known; It goes without saying; It stands to reason; Of course!; Certainly!

така да знаеш

1.inf you'd better believe it; take my word for it

Знаеш ли што?

1.Do you know what?!; I'll tell you what; I say!; (Do) You know something?; You know; you see

Знаеш ли дека; ?

1.Do you know that

знае што е што во

1.know what is what in sth

знае што прави

1.know what one is doing; know one’s stuff/onions

знае каде оди

1.know where one is going