Речник /  Конвертор

покажете ми

1.let me see

на друг да му кажеш

1.inf I won't buy that; do me a favour; come again; tell that to the marines

Ти ќе ми кажеш!

1.You're telling me!; It's none of your business; Who do you think you are?; Look who's talking

тешко е да се каже

1.it's hard to say/tell

што е право, право е; право да се каже

1.give the devil his due; fair's fair; to be honest; frankly speaking

Сакаш ли да кажеш

1.Am I to understand

секој е невин додека не се докаже спортивното

1.every one is held innocent until he is proved guilty; innocent until proved guilty


1.v. to say everything

доискаже се

1.v. to express. oneself to the and


1.v. to prove, to provide evidence, to substantiate, to testify, to evidence, to show, to indicate


1.v. to finish telling


1.v. to fix time, to fix in advance ja


1.v. to intercede for, to speak in favour, to argue for, to advocate, to mediate, to say a good word for


1.v. to talk (enough or a great deal)


1.v. to declare, depose, say all

искаже се

1.v. to distingguish oneself


1.v. to relate, to tell, to recount, to recite

исприкаже се

1.v. to talk to one's heart's content


1.v. to say, to tell

така да се каже

1.so to say (speak)


1.v. to punish, to penalty, to chastise

тој ќе ви каже нешто

1.he will tell you something

откажува, откаже

1.v. to give notice (warning), (порачка) to countermand, to refuse, to deny, to decline

покаже се

1.v. to show oneself, to appear

покажува, покаже

1.v. to show, to demonstrate, to indicate, to display, to point at, to exhibit, to teach

поткажува, поткаже

1.v. to whisper, to suggest

прикажува, прикаже

1.v. to talk, to speak, to tell, to chat, to present, to act, perform

не смее да му каже!

1.he daren't tell him!

раскажува, раскаже

1.v, to narrate, to tell a story, to relate, to report

расприкажува се, расприкаже се

1.v. to talk at undue length, to talk at tedious length, to talk longwindedly

така да се каже

1.so to say, so to speak

уважува, укаже

1.to show, to point at,