Речник /  Конвертор


1.neither a.


1.some sort of

каков аир од тоа?; нема аир од тоа

1.inf it's no use; it's useless/pointless

од било каков вид

1.in any shape of form

каков бил

1.any; anything; any kind

Каков е?

1.What's he like?

каков - таков

1.(just) any old; will do

секаков коментар е непотребен

1.it tells its own story; the picturetells its story

губи секаков критериум

1.lose every sense of proportion

каков татко, таков син

1.the apple never falls far from the tree; like father, like son; а chip of/off the old block; what is bred in the bone will never come out of the flesh

каков ќар има од тоа?; нема ќар од тоа

1.inf there's no use; it's useless/pointless; no use flogging a dead horse


1.a. what, what kind, what sort

каков татко таков и синот

1.like father, like son, like master, like man

каков човек е

1.hat sort of man is he?, what is he like?


1.a. a. certain, a, one, any


1.a. no, none, of no kind

по каков повод

1.in what connection

каков ужас!

1.ow terrible (horrible)!


1.all kinds of, various, diverse


1.all, any