Речник /  Конвертор


1.flaming a.


1.me pron.


1.practical a.

заради мене

1.for my sake

мене ми е сеедно

1.it is all the same to me


1.unaffected a.

не е до мене да

1.it's not up to me (to); it does not depend on me

јас тебе; ти мене /л/

1.give and take; you scratch my back and I'll scratch yours; today me, tomorrow you

мене ми е сеедно

1.it's all the same to me

при мене

1.with me; in my place

мечка страв мене не

1.inf well, here goes!

Немој мене да ми продаваш морал!

1.Don't get on your high horse with me! MOPE

само преку мене мртов

1.over my dead body; I'll see you in hell first

Мене ли најде да ме лежеш!?

1.Don't give me that!; Do me a favour!

Не пали тоа кај мене

1.inf I don't buy that

колку што ми е мене познато

1.as far as I know; to the best of my knowledge

по мене; потоп

1.after me the deluge

од за мене неразбирливи причини

1.for reasons not clear to me for reasons that elude me

ќе имаш работа со мене

1.you will have to deal with me

шпанско село е тоа за мене

1.inf а closed book; it's all Greek/double Dutch (to me)

тоа мене не ме тангира

1.inf it's none of my business; what do I care

леле тешко мене!

1.I've had it this time; I'm in big trouble; woe is me; woe betide me


1.a. temporary

за'рка заруменее

1.(се зарумени (се)) v. to blush, to redden, to flush, to glow, to turn (to grow) crimson

знам што сакаш од мене

1.I know your wishes (intentions)


1.a. having the same name

тој е висок колку мене

1.he is a tall as I, he is a tall like me

за мене

1.for me


1.p. me, myself, of me


1.v. to mention


1.v. to mention, to remark, to observe, to comment upon, to suggest, to allude, to refer to

од мене

1.from me

опоменува, опомене

1.v. to warn, to admonish,

според мене

1.to my mind, in my opinion

мисли на мене

1.he thinks of (about) me

на мене е честа да

1.the honour fell to me to, I had the honour to

се мене ме фаќаат за таква работа

1.y always hit (come down) on me for such jobs

со мене

1.ith me