Речник /  Конвертор

вдлабочен во мисли

1.absorbed in thoughts


1.cogitate v.


1.fabrication n.
2.fib n.

во мислите

1.mentally adv.
2.on one's mind


1.nonsense n.


1.philosopher n.

натера да се премисли

1.(некого од нешто of); to talk out


1.think v.


1.thinker n.

будалиот кога молчи, мисли декае паметен

1.fools are wise as long as silent; if the fool knew how to be silent he could sit amongst the wise

мисли со своја глава

1.use one's own head/judg(e)ment; stand one's ground; use one’s own loaf; think for oneself

мисли дека го фатил Господа замадиња/брада

1.sl think the sun shines out of sb'sarse/arse hole

Кој само би помислил!

1.Well, did you ever!; Well, I never!

што трезен мисли, пијан зборува

1.what soberness conceals, drunkenness reveals; in vino veritas

едно мисли, друго зборува

1.many a one say well that thinks ill; (say sth) with (one's) tongue in(one's) cheek

мисли како возрасен

1.have an old head on young shoulders

мисли на нешто сосема десетте

1.inf one's mind is miles away; one’s thoughts are elsewhere

мисли само на

1.keep one's mind on; think of nothing else but; have nothing else on the/one's brain but; have just one thing on one's mind

се враќа со мислите

1.cast one's mind back

Сигурно не мислиш сериозно!

1.You can't be serious!; You can’t mean it!

ти така мислиш

1.that's what you think

ги среди мислите

1.collect one's thoughts

мисли, прави

1.think what you are doing

не може да поднесе/замисли/смисли некого

1.can't/couldn't stand/bear the sight of sb/sth; be unable to bear the sight of sb

не може некого/нешто да свари/смисли

1.inf have no stomach for; hate sb/sth like poison

така и помислив

1.just as I thought


1.f. nonsense

домисли се

1.v. to hit upon, to devise, to contrive


1.v. to conceive, to imagine, to fancy, to plan, to plot, to design

замисли се

1.v. to take a fancy, to take a liking (to a thing), (cпортот му се замилил) he took a fancy to sport to the extend of..., to fall m love
2.v to start pondering (musing, meditating) to be absorbed m thought, become thoughtful, to to grow pensive, to shink, to muse


1.v. to invent, to devise, to contrive, to think out, to plan, to project


1.f. fiction, invention

како мислите

1.hat do you think? what is your opinion?

кој мисли на тоа

1.nobody thinks about that, nobody has that in mind