Речник /  Конвертор


1.can v. (past. could)


1.eventual a.


1.impossible a.


1.incredible a.


1.maybe adv.


1.perhaps adv.

и баба ми го знае/може тоа

1.inf anybody can do it; а piece of cake

може да биде и подобро

1.it can be better; there is room for improvement

богатиот јаде кога сака, а сиромавиот кога може

1.the rich may eat when he will, the poor man when he may; poor men seek meat for their stomach, rich men stomach for their meat

не може и вака и така

1.there are no two ways about it

може вода да му носи

1.inf not fit to wash one's feet

вода не може да му носи

1.inf not fit to hold a candle to; be not a patch on

не може да биде и волкот сити овците на број

1.you can't have your cake and eat it; you cannot sell the cow and sup the milk; one/you cannot make an omelet without breaking eggs

не може со глава в ѕид

1.you can't kick against the pricks

не можеш в гроб да го земеш

1.you can't take it with you (when you die)

што можеш денес, не оставај за утре

1.never put off/leave till tomorrow what you can do today; there’s no time like the present; а stitchin time saves nine

душа сака, ама тело не може

1.the spirit is willing but the flesh is weak

ништо живо не може да го натера

1.inf wild horses couldn't/ wouldn’t drag him there; all the King’s horses and all the King's men can’t/couldn't do/make

не би можел да се заколнам, но

1.I can't swear to it, but; can't put my finger on it, but

никој не може да знае

1.no man can tell; ; ; dear (only)knows

никој тоа не може да го знае; од каде да знаеш

1.there is no telling/knowing; one never knows; you never know

искористува што најдобро може

1.make the best of turn/put sth to good account

и ќоравата кокошка може зрно да најде

1.a blind man can sometimes catchthe hare/hit the crow/hit the mark

не можеш крајот да му го фатиш

1.not be able to make head or tail of

би можел и да

1.may/might (just) as well

можеш да ми се фатиш!

1.taboo you can kiss my arse; screw you!; pull the other one it's got bell son it!

можеш да се сликаш

1.inf it's no go; nothing doing; over my dead body; when hell freezes over; like hell you will; whistle for it

можеш и сам

1.inf what did your last servant died of?!

може да избира

1.have option; have a choice

може и подобро

1.know any better; there's a room for improvement