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во можност да направи

1.(нешто); in a position to do

направи гаф

1.sl make a goof; drop a brick/clanger; put one's foot in it; put one’s foot in one's mouth

направи грешка

1.make a mistake

тука ништо не може да се стори-направи

1.there's nothing one can do about it; it can't be helped

направи сам

1.do it yourself

да се рече и да се направи не еисто

1.saying and doing are two things; saying is one thing, and doing is another; from word to deed is a great space

како свиња се направил

1.inf make a pig of oneself

го направи сол

1.inf beat the living daylight out of sb; cream sb

го направив од јад

1.I did it out of spite (malice)


1.v. to do, to make, to commit, to create, to effect, to cause, to get a thing done

направи се

1.v. to make oneself, to make believe, to pretend, to feign, to sham

се направи глув

1.he feigned ignorance