Речник /  Конвертор


1.to account for

дрско одговара

1.to answer back


1.(на очекувања); to come up to
2.(на нешто); conform v.
3.to go with
4.react v.
5.respond v.

не ми одговара

1.it doesn't agree with me; it doesn’t do me any good; it doesn’t suit me; it doesn't fit me; it doesn't suit my book

одговара на нечиј опис

1.answer to the description of sb


1.v. to answer to make (to give) an answer, to reply, to respond, to correspond to, to suit, to answer, (остро) to retort to be responsible for, to be in change of


1.n answering, replying, responding etc.

што му одговара

1.after one's heart


1.account (v), quadrate (v), corespond, match


1.account (v), quadrate (v)
2.(на прашање) answer