Речник /  Конвертор

исплаќање на плати

1.pay-off n. (амер.)

плаќа/плати со главата

1.pay for sth with one's life; be put to death

кој не го знае, скапо ќе го плати

1.he's not as green as he's cabbage looking; butter wouldn't melt in his mouth; pretend innocence; ; appearances are deceptive; you can’t tell a book by its covers

плати па клати

1.he who pays the piper calls the tune

плати па носи

1.inf cash and carry

ќе ми платиш

1.inf you'll get what's coming to you

преплати некого на смрт

1.scare/frighten the pants of sb


1.v. to pay all, to pay off, to finish paying


1.v. to clear off, to settle, to pay out, to balance, to refund, to repay, to compensate
2.v. to frighten, to scare, to alarm, to intimidate

исплати се

1.v. to be frightened, to take fright, to be seized with fright, to be terrified
2.v. to pay, to be worth the trouble


1.v. to pay up, to repay, to settle, to acquit, to clear off, to square accents with

наплати се

1.v. to compensate oneself for


1.v. to overpay, to pay through the nose

отплатува, отплати

1.v to pay off, to pay by instalments


1.v. to pay, (сметка) to settle (square) account, (меницата) to honour a bill, (пренос) to pay carriage (freight) (трошкови) to pay expenses


1.f. platinum

потплашува, потплати

1.v. to intimidate, to threaten, to fear, to scare, to frighten

преплашува, преплати

1.v. to frighten, to scare

претплати се

1.v. to subscribe

расплатува, расплати

1.v. to pay off one's debts, to pay out (money) to disburse

уплашува, уплати

1.to frighten, to scare

отплати заем

1.pay off/repay a loan

исплати, исплаќа

1.pay, pay off, settle, make payment

исплати и наплати

1.payments and receipts



отплати хипотека

1.pay off a mortgage



