Речник /  Конвертор

времето денеска не е подобро од вчера

1.the weather is no better today than it was yesterday

тоа подобро

1.so much the better

може да биде и подобро

1.it can be better; there is room for improvement

подобро врапче в рака, отколку гулаб на гранка

1.a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush; better a sparrow in the hand than a pigeon on the roof; a feather in hand is better than a bird in the air

дотолку подобро/полошо

1.so much the better/worse

не знае подобро

1.not know any better

подобро жив кукавица, отколку мртов херој

1.inf he who/that fights and runs awaylives to fight another day; discretion is the better part of valour

може и подобро

1.know any better; there's a room for improvement

се подобро и подобро

1.getting better; on the up and up

што полошо, тоа подобро

1.the worse things get, the better; the worse, the better

подобро прв в село отколку втор во град

1.better be a big fish in a small pond than a small fish in a big pond; better be first in a village than second in Rome

подобро да се спречи отколку да се лечи

1.prevention is better than cure; better (to be) safe than sorry; аstitch in time saves nine

подобро грам среќа отколку ока памет

1.an ounce of luck is worth a pound of wisdom

подобро да си среќен отколку богат

1.it's better to be born lucky than rich

уште подобро

1.so much the better; better still

ништо подобро

1.none the better


1.ad. better no

што по скоро подобро

1.he sooner, the better

