Речник /  Конвертор

било и поминало

1.it's all over and done with what’s done cannot be undone it's (all)water under the bridge; nothing can be done about it things past cannot be recalled forgive and forget; no use crying over spilled milk; that's water over the dam

му помина низ глава

1.pass through one's mind

му поминале деновите

1.sb's days are over; be past it

нечии денови се поминати

1.the day of sb is over/finished

добро и зло поминале

1.go through thick and thin

морници му поминаа по коски

1.send chills/a chill up/down/up and down sb's spine

најлошото помина

1.the worst is over; we've seen the worst; we're over the hump

неговото време помина

1.one's days are over; have had one’s chips

поминал ни сит и решето

1.go through the mill; go through thick and thin

во тоа звање поминал три годнни

1.at that employment he has spent threeyears