Речник /  Конвертор

врека му е работата

1.inf be in a (real) mess; have had it; up a gum tree; up a creek (without a paddle); get into a fix

мав ми е работата

1.inf I'm in a real mess; I've done/had it this time

мав му е работата

1.inf be for the high jump; have had it; be deep in trouble; be in hot water

Гледај си ја работата

1.imper Mind your own business; Save your breath to cool your porridge

ја оплеска/окашка работата

1.inf blow it; gum things up gum up the works; make a bloomer

ја смирисува работата со

1.inf get crossed with; part company with

не му чини работата

1.sb's not doing well; sb is not well; be in trouble; be in deep water; be in dire straits; be up against the wall

работата цути

1.the business is blooming/in the full swing

работата е средена

1.it's in the can; it's in the pocket

работата го фали мајсторот

1.actions speak louder than words

си ја гледа работата

1.mind one's (own) business; go about one's own business

си ја знае работата

1.know one's job; know one's stuff

тука не е чиста работата

1.I smell a rat; there's sth fishy here

во што е работата?

1.what is the matter?; what's the game?

во тоа е работата

1.that's the point; that's the question

ја истера работата на чистина

1.bring matters to a head; have it out; set the record straight; force an issue into the open

работата излезе јалова

1.the affair came to nothing, it ended in smoke

машки се фати за работата

1.tuck (roll) up one's sleeves

како врви работата?

1.How are the things working

не е тоа работата

1.that is not the point

работата се прочу

1.the thing has got abroad