Речник /  Конвертор


1.clause n. (грам.)


1.negatory a.


1.phrase n.


1.sentence n. (грам.)


1.so-called a.


1.to step over

попат речено

1.talking of; по тој повод

не рече ни а, ни бе

1.inf shut one's mouth; stop one's mouth; reduce sb to silence; not a word did he/she utter

ниту збор не рече

1.not a word did he/she utter

топло пречекува

1.give sb a warm welcome/reception

благо речено

1.to put it mildly

да се рече и да се направи не еисто

1.saying and doing are two things; saying is one thing, and doing is another; from word to deed is a great space

грубо речено

1.at a rough estimate

најблаго речено

1.to say the least; to put it mildly

накратко речено

1.in short; to make a long story short; the long and the short of it

рече и остана жив

1.inf drop a brick/clanger; put one’s foot in it

речено - сторено

1.suit the action to the word; no sooner said than done; it's as good as done

реченото не се враќа

1.a word said is past recalling

така да се рече

1.so to speak; in a manner of speaking

тешко е да се рече

1.it's hard to say/tell

Што рече?

1.What did you say?; Come again!; How's that!


1.v. to finish saying

зависни реченици

1.clauses, subortdinate sentences


1.v. to start speaking, (talking, telling), to take an oath, to swear

зарече се

1.v. to take an oath

заусти да рече

1.to begin to say


1.v. to utter, to say, to speak out, to pronounce, to express, to state

ми рече

1.he(she) said me


1.v. to name, to give a name to, to mention by name


1.a. unexpressed, unvoiced, unsaid

одречен, чна

1.a. negative, (за карактер) bad, wicked, condemnable


1.v. to say, to tell, (secretly not completely) to hint, to allude, to foretell


1.a. transversal, across, diagonal


1.m. meeting, reception, welcome

пречекорува, пречекори

1.v. to pass over, to go across, to step over, to overstep, (надминува) to surpass, to exceed, (згрешува) to violate, to transgress


1.n. crossing, transgression, violation, surpassing, overstepping

пречекува, пречека

1.v. to meet, to welcome, to receive, to accept


1.n. meeting, reception, welcome


1.n. objection, prevention, hindrance, impediment


1.to tell, to say; to recite; to bid; to speak