Речник /  Конвертор

Останете на линија

1.Hold the line; Don't hang up

меѓу нас да остане

1.between you and me/ourselves; between these four walls; between you, me and the bed/gate/lamppost

ги поседува сите одлики да стане

1.have the making of becoming; ; ; ; have what it takes to be/become;

застане на полпат

1.stop short of; hang back/off

кој бара рогови ќе остане и без уши

1.from the frying pan, into the fire; out of the frying pan, into the fire


1.v. to rebel, to rise (up) in arms


1.v. to fall behind, to lag behind, to be behindhand with, (учење, напредок) to be backward, (особина) not to be equal to, not to be a match for


1.v. to stop dead (short), to halt, to stand


1.v. to stay away, to fail to come, to absent oneself


1.v. to begin, to set in

опстанува, опстане

1.v. to endure, to hold out, to exist, to maintain

останува, остане

1.v to stay, to remain, (зад себе) to left over (на нешто) to stick to a thing, to abide by a thing

постанува, постане

1.v. to originate, to become, to turn, to result in, to come into existence, to be

потстанува, потстане

1.v. to stand up a bit, to raise up a bit, to get up a bit

преостанува, преостане

1.v. to left over, to remain (over), to be left over

пристанува, пристане

1.v. to consent, to agree, to be willing

сака да стане човек

1.he wish he were a man

состанува се, состане се

1.to meet regularly; to assemble, to encounter; to convene

станува, стане

1.to stand up, to get up; to rise; (после паѓање) to pick oneself up; (од кревет) to get up, to be up, (случува се) to happen, to come about, to fall on, to occur; to take place, to be held