Речник /  Конвертор


1.native-born ('neitiv a.


1.senility n.

старо аро

1.inf dirty old man; sugar daddy; anole fart

старо вино и стар пријател не пуштај

1.old friends, and old wine, and old gold are the best; old fish, old oil, and an old friend are the best

старо дрво не се витка

1.you can't teach an old dog new tricks

фрла во старо железо

1.throw sth on the scrap heap putout to pasture

оди во старо железо

1.be thrown to the dogs

старо куче стадо варди

1.a good broth can be cooked in anold pot

старо/дрто магаре

1.inf dirty old man; sugar daddy; an old fart

збирај на младост, да имаш застарост

1.provision in season makes rich a house; spare when you're young and spend when you're old

се е по старо

1.there's nothing new under the sun

пак на старото

1.back to basics; back to square one

старо и младо

1.young and old; every single one

ќе те праша староста кај ти била младоста

1.provision in season makes rich house; spare when you're young and spend when you're old

на старост

1.at a ripe age; in one's declining years

староста сите не чека

1.old age comes to us all; we're not getting any younger

во старо време

1.ancient times; once upon a time


1.antique; oldfashioned


1.like an old man


1.oldfashioned, out of date


1.aboriginal, indigene, autochthonous


1.old age. declining age; advanced years; oldness; antiquity


1.outmoded, vintage


1.aboriginal (n)


1.best man


1.outmoded, outdated, antiquated, out of date


1.old age, decrepitude