Речник /  Конвертор

стои на страна

1.to stand apart

се состои

1.consist v.


1.exist v.

стои на стража

1.to stand guard


1.namesake n.

стои в ред

1.to stand in queue

стои на стража

1.to keep sentry

стои одзади

1.to stand back; се повлекува

стои некому над глава

1.breathe down sb's neck

достоинствено се држи

1.stand on/upon one's dignity

стои на зборот

1.keep one's word

едвај стои на нозе; одвај се држи на нозе

1.inf feel dead on one's feet; ready/fit to drop; be worn to a shadow; cannot punch one's way out of a paper bag; be/feel like a wet rag

стои на сопствени нозе; зас-танува на свои нозе

1.stand on one's own leg; stand on one’s own two feet

стои на стаклени нозе

1.on slippery ground; have feet of clay

стои некому на нозе

1.inf fetch and carry for sb; wait on/upon sb hand and foot

стои некому на пат

1.stand in the/sb's way

секогаш постои првпат за се

1.there is always a first time for everything

седи/стои со скрстени раце

1.sit on one's hands; not lift a finger/hand; not/never bat an eyelid

не постои никакво сомнение

1.there's no mistaking/doubt there’s no question (that)

добро стои

1.be well-off; be sitting pretty

добро стои со

1.be in with sb; be on good terms with sb; get along well with sb stand in well with sb; be in sb's good books; be well in with

лошо/слабо стои со некого; не стои добро со некого

1.be in bad odour with sb; not stand well with sb; be in bad with sb; be in bad terms with sb; not be in good terms with sb; be in sb's disfavour

стои зад некого

1.be behind sb; back up sb

постои општо убедување дека

1.there's a common believe that; it's widely felt that


1.a. dignified, majestic


1.n. majestically, stately


1.a. having the same name


1.v. в. постојува постојан a. constant, steady

постојува, постои

1.v. to exist, to live, to be, there is, there are

престојува, престои

1.v. to stay, to sojourn


1.v. to be forthcoming, (зло) to be imminent

палтото му стои добро

1.he coat suits him well

си стои на зборот

1.to keep one's word (promise)

состои се

1.to consist of, to be made up of


1.to stand, to be at standstill; to be idle; to stop; to desist (останува) to stop, to stay, to remain, to be; (за облека) to suit

стои на чело (на)

1.to be at the head (of)

стои право

1.to stand strait; to stand up

стои со скрстени раце

1.to stand with folded arms







удостојува, удостои

1.to honour (with), to confer something to someone, to award (something, to someone or someone something), to vouchsafe