Речник /  Конвертор

токму што

1.only just

токму пред

1.at the point of

токму тој ден

1.the very day

Баш/токму така!

1.Exactly!; Precisely!; Right on!

токму сега

1.just now; just this moment

токму спротивното

1.quite the opposite; on the contrary

Токму така!

1.Exactly!; That's right!; ; quite so!; You're telling me!; That's for sure!; You'd better believe it!; That's (about) it!; Bang on!

не е токму

1.sl be off one's chumps; have a tile loose; odd/queer in the head; be nuts

токму како

1.every bit as

Токму тоа!

1.Just the thing!; Just the job! that’s the stuff to give the troops

кус е во умот; не е токму со умот

1.be not all quite there; odd/queer in the head


1.n. compensation, amends, reparation, making good, indemnification

потокмува се, потокми се

1.v. to smooth a bit, to smooth one's dress

не е токму

1.he is not as he should be

стокмува се

1.to even up, to get dressed up; to be reedy

стокмува, стокми

1.to prepare, to get ready; to make; to do


1.preparation getting ready; making; doing


1.d. punctually; precisely; exactly; just; sharp


1.bang (adv), very

токму така

1.that's it

и токму тој

1.(тоа да го стори) he of all people

луд нетокму

1.(фиг сл) banana


1.bang (adv)