Речник /  Конвертор

нема шанса за успех

1.to be out of the running

животна шансаа

1.chance of a lifetime

дава некому шанса

1.give sb a chance; give sb a break

фер шансаа

1.fair chance; а sporting chance

има шанса да

1.stand a chance (of sth/doing sth)

нема шанса/шанси

1.stand no chance; haven't an earthly (chance) (of); not have a ghost of a chance; not have a dog’s chance (of doing sth); not have a cat in hell's chance (of doing sth); not have a chance in hell (of doing sth)

слаба шанса

1.an outside chance

нема ни најмала шанса

1.not have the ghost of a chance